Internships and projects (Data science/analysis)

My master Data Science & Entrepreneurship offered in the courses "Data Entrepreneurship in Action" the possibility to apply my data science skills in real life. Moreover, during my graduation project I obtained practical experience as well. Hence, during my master (2018-2020) I conducted projects in collaboration with several companies. Each of thes projects lasted for one semester except my thesis project, which lasted for two semesters. The text below elaborates on these projects.

Graduation project for Pandora Intelligence and the Police

In the second year of my master I started a part-time internship for my graduation project. It is in collaboration with the Police East Brabant and Pandora Intelligence. In the project I researched automated information extraction from homicide-related texts. Accordingly, I implemented several techniques for Natural Language Processing such as the popular BERT language model. The goal of the project was to help the Dutch Police to be more efficient during their investications. The final thesis can be found here.

Student project for Centraal Boekhuis

With a small group of students I did a project for Centraal Boekhuis (CB). CB is a big player in the logistics of books, but they are active in the healthcare sector as well. In the latter case they are the middle man between health insurance companies and patients. In the project we analysed data on the medical aid usage of patients and made predictions based on this data. Consequently, we highlighted possibilites for improvements that CB could implement.

Student project with Mövenpick and Het Munsterhof

One of the projects was very entrepreneurial. With a small group of students we got to work as data science freelancers. We decided to try to reduce food waste in the catering industry by providing procurement advise based on machine learning models that used historical sales and procurment data. After many interviews and meetings with hotels and restaurants, we got access to the data from Mövenpick and Het Munsterhof. We used this data to make predictions and give procurment adivse.

Studentenproject voor Shoeby

In another project I and a handful of students worked together to make a recommender system for Shoeby. With the use of clickstream data from website visitors we made predictions of the products and product categories that the visitor was likely to be interested. Hence, we could make personal product recommendations with this approach.


Website maintenance (2017 - 2018)

Aside from my own website, I did some maintenance work for two other websites of a friend and a family member. I primarily needed to apply HTML, CSS and JavaScript. However, for the website I worked with images, and therefore used Photoshop as well.

Keurig Kiezen (2016 - 2017)

In 2016 and 2017 I was active as employee of Keurig Kiezen. Together with another student we provided a group of 15 year old high school students with a good time by means of a workshop and a university tour. It was a useful experience to me, since it helped me to learn to keep the attention of the children. Furthermore, the students are different from each other, especially around the age of 15. Hence, it was a helpful experience and challenge to ensure everyone enjoyed the day.

Tutor (2012 - 2014)

At the age of 16 - 18 I was a tutor at my high school. I helped younger students with their mathematics homework exercises and tried to teach them some math concepts they didn’t understand. Aside from mathematics, I also tried to convey my experience as a student to help them in their decision making.


PCWC / PromoCie (2015 - 2018)

At the start of my bachelor, I became a member of the study association Intermate. In my second year I joined a committee of this association called PCWC (Promotie Commissie en Webredactie Commissie). The committee provided the association with promotion material (i.e. posters, logos, banners, clothing), did maintenance work on the website of the association and organized student activities. The promotion and website maintenance got split up after a year. Hence, the new PromoCie only focused on the promotion materials. I developed skills in Photoshop, Illustrator and HTML and CSS during these years. A small subset of creations I worked on can be found here.

Chairman (apr - nov 2017)

Besides making promotion materials, I also was chairman for 7 months. As a chair, I was responsible for the planning, organization, and communication within the committee as well as with other committees and the board of the association.

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