
MSc Data Science & Entrepreneurship (2018 - 2020)

Recently I finished the study Data Science & Entrepreneurship. This master program is provided by JADS and is a result from collaboration of Technical University of Eindhoven and University of Tilburg. The program educates me to become a data scientist who combines both technical knowledge with knowledge rooted in business, management, ethics and law in order to achieve the pre-set goal.

This master suited me well. First, I like to be innovative and to solve problems. In order to accomplish this, skills in programming (with Python and R) and logic are important, but skills in communication and presentation are essential as well. The master provided room to develop all these skills. Second, I am inquisitive and interested in many different subjects. In my opinion the data science job needs insights from multiple angles in order to be able to add value. The diverse courses in the master (from deep learning to law) helped to develop myself as the complete data scientist.

During my graduation project I focused on the technical side of data science. The project was in collaboration with the Police East Brabant and Pandora Intelligence. In the project I applied the newest AI techniques to extract relevant information to the police from publicly available texts. The final thesis can be found here.

I completed the following courses successfully:

  • Business Analytics
  • Creative Thinking & Innovative Design
  • Data Driven Supply Chain Management Intelligence
  • Data Engineering
  • Data Entrepreneurship in Action I
  • Data Entrepreneurship in Action II
  • Data Entrepreneurship in Action III
  • Data Mining
  • Deep Learning
  • Data Visualization
  • Entrepreneurial Marketing
  • Intelectual Property & Privacy
  • Law, Ethics, and Entrepreneurship
  • Real-Time Process Mining
  • Strategy & Business Models
BSc Innovation Sciences (2014 - 2018)

From september 2014 to july 2018 I studied Innovation Sciences with Psychology & Technology (P&T) as specialization at the Technical University of Eindhoven. This program teached me to use psychology to innovate technology. Within the program there was much elective space. I chose to have IT courses, so within my bachelor I focused on human-IT innovation. My Bachelor End Project was related to this, since it covered novel technology to measure heart rate on video footage. The final report can be found here.

I completed the following courses successfully:

Basic courses (for all bachelor students at TU/e):

  • Calculus B
  • Engineering Design
  • Introduction to modelling
  • Physics B
  • USE basis: Ethics and history of technology

Major courses (for all P&T-student with IT):

  • Advanced research methods and research ethics
  • Behavioral research methods 1: Designing research
  • Behavioral research methods 2: Dealing with data
  • Brain, Body & Behaviour
  • Computer networks and security
  • DBL Hypermedia
  • HTI in social context
  • Human Factors
  • Introduction Psychology and Technology
  • Introduction to object-oriented programming
  • Logic and set theory
  • OGO Qualitative Methods for observation, analysis and reporting
  • OGO Quantitative Research
  • Perception and motor control
  • Social Psychology and Consumer Behavior
  • Thinking and deciding
  • Web technology

Elective courses:

  • App development
  • Business analytics & decision support
  • Business process intelligence
  • Data mining
  • Datamodelling and databases
  • Data structures
  • DBL Algorithms
  • Discrete structures
  • Entrepreneurship in action
  • Human technology interaction
  • Introduction to technology entrepreneurship
  • Linear Algebra
  • Mathematics 1
  • Organizing entrepreneurship
  • Probability & Statistics
  • Product innovation processes
  • Statistical data analysis
  • Web analytics
Atheneum N&T (2008 - 2014)

At highschool I went through the VWO Atheneum program from 2008 until 2014 at the Hermann Wesselink College in Amstelveen. I chose the Natuur & Techniek (N&T) profile, which is a science focused course package. Aside from the basic courses (like English and Dutch) I chose to have physics, chemistry and mathematics B. As well as Natuur, Leven en Technologie (Nature, Life and Technology), as well as arts and crafts. My final project was about G-forces in amusement park rides and its affect on the people their experience.


  • Master of Science: Data Science & Entrepreneurship (2020);
  • Bachelor of Science: Innovation Sciences (2018);
  • Propaedeutic certificate: Innovation Sciences with great appreciation (2015);
  • Atheneum (2014);

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